28-29 красавіка ў Лёндане адбылася 8-я штогадовая канфэрэнцыі “Belarusian Studies in the 21st century”. Праграма
Беларусісты з унівэрсытэтаў Брытаніі, Турцыі, Польшчы абмяркоўвалі творчасьць Ганны Комар і Зьмітра Бартосіка, пытаньні неўнармаванасьці палескай марфалёгіі і апісаньне беларускіх земляў у турэцкай энцыкляпэдыі Шэмсэтына Самі.
Пасьля адбылася экскурсія ўдзельнікаў па “беларускай вёсцы” ў Фінчлі.
The 8th Annual Conference on Belarusian Studies has brought together approximately 70 participants in-person in London and in online format to discuss Belarus-related research.
Speakers from the United Kingdom, Germany, Lithuania, Turkey, Czech Republic, Poland and Ireland covered history, social and political movements, propaganda, relations between Belarus and Ukraine, literature and other topics (the programme)
The first day of the conference, which took place at University College London ended with a keynote address of Dr Paul Hunsbury, which raw on his recently published book “Belarus in Crisis” and a reception sponsored by the Anglo-Belarusian Society.
For the second day of the conference, the participants moved to the Francis Skaryna Belarusian Library and Museum in London. The panel on culture and language was followed by a lunch in the library garden as well as a tour of the library and the St. Cyril of Turau Belarusian Catholic Church.